Friday, December 18, 2009


This is a general topic therefore, we narrowed our research on Facilities in Multimedia University.

Here is the stage 1 of the project.
Mind mapping.

Stage 2

Multimedia University is one of the prestigious institutions among its kind in the whole of Asia and as well a citadel of learning located in the shore of Cyberjaya and Malacca all in Malaysia. The University gains its respect based on varieties of standard of which facility of which Facilities is one of them. Facility plays an important role in the reputation of an institution and that contributed to the present standardization of its educational system. In addition, the word ‘Facilities’ can be said to be places, especially building where a particular activities happen. They are discussed below;

One of the facilities owned by Multimedia University that has given the institution a great name among its kind is the technology provided via internet that is as fast as the electric current which flows to the bulb when a switch is being pressed. It is an open river in a village where everyone in that particular village has the access of fishing in without consulting the village leaders or their fellow villagers. The online system having the characteristics of an organization in which there are departments handling specific tasks such as the personnel department having the information of their staffs and are willing to provide the organization with the detail information about its staff when ever they are needed. The issuance of staff identity card to enable the staff gain entrance into the company premises as well to differentiate them from other organization or company workers. The identity card also has another function which is determining the time staffs enter the company or their duty post and when they go out through the clocking system. The finance department that is responsible for the payment of staff’s salary by cash, cheque and banking opens a separate account for their workers where their money is being paid into. They pay others who are free with cash by cash and as well issue cheque to those operating a different account other than the one used by the company. The also deduct their workers salary when they violate the rules and regulations of the company or damage any company’s property as punishment. There is also the security department that makes sure there is no lose of the company’s property and as well to monitor humans and cars that enter the company’s premises by sending the security guards to some strategic positions in the company. Also in an organization, each of the departments have their notice board for transmitting information, stating the job of each staff as well as the information on how to carry out a job and some materials to study to get acquainted with the job. E.g., Quality Assurance/Quality Control department in a production company. Creativity is all about ways of disseminating ideas easily to the audience as well as the fastest of it. It is not limited to some particular group of persons, however, it is meant for all irrespective of your age or field and as well converts human brain into books with the use of technology. Also it leaves an individual with a remarkable for identification and motivates students just as workers can never work with being paid.

Furthermore, parts of the landscape of Multimedia University are occupied by ant hills of different sizes and are meant for different purposes. One of which is the working hut in a triangular shape meant for those governing the ant kingdom with the ant King. In that triangular working hut, are the corners for the representatives of the ants of different species, the representatives of all the soldier ants both the lower and the higher soldier ants, the parade executives etc. Also the working hut for the King of the ants as well as the administrative workers working with the King which is circular in shape. There are four ant hills where lower and higher soldiers, both local and different species live. There is another mighty ant hill for the general meeting of all the ants in the ant kingdom irrespective of the class and for events such as the graduation ceremony for the ants that are though with their training. In addition, there are four ant hills named construction hut, laboring hut, fighting hut and massagers hut. These huts have their sub huts for their training. There is also ant hill for eating of leaves where all the ants go to equip themselves for the future and there is another ant hill for game where the interested ants go to train for fitness. Creative work can never be successful with the effort of a single person. Therefore, it needs association of people of different classes to achieve its purpose. In addition, with unity among students or group of persons embarking on a project, there awaits there success.

In addition, the visible area of Multimedia University is been monitored by an eagle’s eye. This eagle’s eye has its subordinates that are around the campus which are in the form of flesh and blood. They are there to make open any hidden thing that is against or go contrary to the rule and regulation of the University and as well to keep the lives of the university’s customer the way they came into the University. The pupils of the eagle’s eye are all over the campus for an easy sight. The part of an eagle’s eye called iris are given to their customers to enable them walk around the school premises and as well be differentiated from customers of other institutions. Without this iris, the customers of the university are not allowed to enter the leave ant hill. There is a central magic box that visualizes the campus premises with the help of the pupils operated by flesh and bloods of mortar and pestle. In creativity focus is inevitable, without it attention is meant to be divided and the one involve in it will fail in his work. The same goes to students or whoever that is aiming at something in life. It also sees beyond the natural or present into the future.

Bringing the idea in sports facility, the skills in the area of our small lake or pond is specially built for nine human fishes that will be having a competition sports event in the lake. Though, sometimes more than nine fishes can be swimming there for leisure or relaxation. Another interesting part of the pond in MMU sports ground is that the length is 50 meters like the pond which most countries went for completion in Beijing 2009. The MMU Olympics lake in Cyberjaya Campus was constructed some years ago by the formal Shepherd Datuk Ghauth of MMU, when he ordered for land digging and construction of long shower basins with nine demarcation and then connects sustaining fish environment to be filled in the basins with continue flow, for the interest of student human fish activities.
Again MMU has a facility in an area of land which is 360 feet in length and 160 feet in width, the area of that land is the home grasshoppers. Though the area of that land is the existing and playing ground for thousands of grasshoppers, MMU itself, provides only 22 grasshoppers to play there as well, with 3 police men, 1 inside the grasshoppers land with the other 22, then 2 at the line edges of the grasshoppers length land, whenever there’s a competition between their departments or other institutions. In the grasshopper’s land, there’s two big open cupboards lengthens about 7.3m (8 yards) without side covers, for two grasshoppers out of the 22 others in the grasshoppers land to stay there and catch the flies that is been sent to them by the other 11 oppositional grasshoppers. The need to balance the human memory (brain) of MMU students and the creative aspect for their healthy organ of thinking to be more active is by having exercises like swimming because it helps to relax the brain for more thoughts. Another creative way to bring out the good qualities that the active brain has in the field of study in MMU can be said to be the study that has to do with steady skills practice such as the one done in the football pitch, which demands the practice of a student frequently to be more perfect.

Moreover, another facility in MMU which can be said to be the centre based of power that gives knowledge to its goods (students), is like in the bird world, whenever there’s lack of performances to show in the sky, a bird fly back to a tree for meetings, advices and calculations from the stored ideas, they stored in their nets inside the tree, so as to perform fine in their activities in the sky for the happiness and betterment of their kingdom. Another similarities is that in families children do make visits to their parents in rooms, to get ideas on how to represent their families because they believe as they are still young, that their parents are the basic people that can start to build them up so as to know the cultures of their land and to perform fine whenever they are with their peer groups. MMU has a place that its products flies to on daily basis whenever they think, they are lacking ideas on how to perform or fly in their respective fields and in that ant hill they flies in for ideas, there’s a lot of strong leaves which the information’s are stored in and there are also magic boxes in that ants hill that MMU products fly’s up for more advise, teaching and information’s after their communications with their producers. And ¬¬¬¬those magic boxes are the major sources of help of for MMU products/goods, but can also harm the products if it’s used wrongly. The concept of creativity in the library of Multimedia University can be said to be the ability to show the importance of being equipped with information to enhance performance in the organization when the need arises. The relationship of creativity in the library context in MMU can be modified by saying that man can not live without bread in order to be healthy, so MMU students can not survive without constant visit to their library for research in order to be academically healthy.

Furthermore, MMU has another facility which is made for incantation. In this room, MMU goods receive an incantation from a magical man, who gives them some white magical chalks that drives away the demons that were tormenting them before they arrive at the hut. In the hut were the magical man stays in wait of MMU goods that are possessed with demons for liberation, there are magical tools like eye and mouth light mirrors which the magical man uses to find the categories of witches and demons that are attacking them MMU goods on those named part in the goods branches. And also the magical man that drives out the demons in the goods, have beads he uses to find out the course of the demonic attack upon the goods before he starts incantation. Creativity in the teaching part in MMU can be said here to be the impression or knowledge that has to do with transformation of inspiration from the power generated by high electrical tension to the lower ones because the little goats always watch their parents when they eat grasses. So it is to the students, they bring out their inbuilt talent as a result of looking and learning at their masters.

Stage 3


Stage 4

“Wing is use for flying, so students of Multimedia University comes out in flying colors after their studying period in the institution, and fly to their dream professions or work of interest, to begin their working life”

Stage 5

This image of a mother bird above represents the lecturers in MMU and the worm in the peak of the bird represent wire used for connection which describes technology in MMU such as internet and so on used for imparting information to students while teaching.

This as well represents the lecturers delivering the information to students preparing them for the future.

The students on their own need to focus in class while receiving lectures for a better understanding of their specified area of profession.

The students need exercise for fitness and proper functioning of the brain of which MMU has provided them with the necessary sports facilities.

This particular image represents students studying in the library to improve their knowledge in whatever area of their studies.

Image of graduands of MMU that are equipped with knowledge and are ready to impart the knowledge to others.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


This is a word that serve as a catalyst which causes change but can never be seen in the changes caused. E.g below

This is a cat and here are the results of making use of whatever cat has to produce an everlasting caution over a dangerous portion of land to keep people away from it.
1. Bone - Designing a large bone falling on a human thereby crushing the human on the floor.
2. Claws - Construct a platform with the claws of cat pointing upward and then place it on the affected area of land so that anyone that gets there will know that it is dangerous to trespass.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Juxtaposition from my understanding is the act of bringing two different words, ideas or things that has no relationship together to form one word or thing by giving meaning to it.

This image is the combination of the word light and wind to form lightwind or wing as pronounced thesame. It is an example juxtaposition.

Another example of this is the formation of one word from the word fly and water which is flywater as shown in the diagram below. This amalgamated word is from two different word that has no relationship but brought together to form a meaningful word with the aid of the diagram.

This word analogy is a sub-division or branch of juxtaposition. It helps to explain more about juxtaposition in the sense that it is the act of relating two subjects i.e from the source to the target base on similarity. E.g is the analogy between the heart and the pump.

There are two different types of analogy depending on the source and the target belonging to the same subject domain. They are;
1. Cross-domain analogy
2. Intra-domain analogy

There are languages or figures of speech that best explain the analogy, and they are;
1. Metaphor: this explains analogy by comparing two things such that one is the other.
E.g Zaidu Hassan (a.k.a Jitu) is a snake. This is because he is cunning, crafty and deceitful.
2. Simile: this also explains analogy by comparing two unlike things using the word like or as.
E.g, comparing Obinna with an iroko tree which goes this way, Obinna is as tall as an Iroko tree.
3. Allegory: this is a combination of two Greek words allos (other) and agoreuein (to speak in public). Here the use of language is not needed but the use of symbols or images such as painting to convey meaning.

This painting depicts a woman selling flowers in her shop. Even without the use of word to explain it, someone who sees this painting can easily tell what it is.


This image is the combination of a butterfly and an elephant. A butterfly having an elephant's head. It is the combination of two separate or class of animals that can never match together and when combine together, the animal form can never survive.

Another example of the combination of animals that can not survive when form are bird and fish.

1. Mortar & Pestle - Women

Women are like mortar and pestle. They claim to be open-minded just like a mortar when they are about entering into the house of a man but release their true character or color that was hidden in them (just the way the pestle hides some part of the open mortar) when they have occupied the house.

2. Chili - Love

I love you like red chili because just as a spicy food can not do without chili, I can not do without you. As chili gives flavor to a soup, same way you give meaning to my life.

The charming smooth body of a chili reminds me of your smooth body that increases my love for you.

As long as the body size of a chili reminds me of my love for you which is everlasting.

3. Light - Life

The entrance of light in a dark room gives life to the hostage in that room by locating the way out of that bondage.

4. Ice cream - Pain

The gross intake of ice cream due to its sweetness causes pain to its consumers in the future by giving them diabetes.

5. Coffee - Love

Just as much intake of coffee without milk and sugar causes reduction of weight so is love between a boy and a girl reduces without giving and communication.

As much intake of dry coffee intoxicates so is excess love between a boy and a girl intoxicates.

5. Wallet - Life

The more fat your wallet becomes the more meaningful your life will be, because you can get whatever you want with the substances in the wallet.

6. Cat - Life

Cat also understands that life is full of enjoyment by drinking to stupor after a long night party with it's owner.

The life of the rich men children is likened to be cats life where they sit and eat the remains of its owner or others.

7. Time - Happiness

You can always see the feelings of happiness on the faces of primary school students when ever it is closing time.

To a professional football player, the more time he has to spend in a club the happier he becomes because of the money involve.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


As the name goes mind map is said to be an internal representation of ideas, words via diagram which are surrounded by a central key word. In paraphrase, it is the diagrammatical representation of words, ideas and other items connected together around a central key word.

1. It is used when brainstorming.
2. It is used when refreshing memories.
3. When jotting down.
4. It is used for the generation of new products.
5. For planning strategy.
6. For solving problems.
7. For developing a process.
8. It is used by students or individual when disclosing their creative work.
9. It is used for educating people.


1. Take a sheet of plain paper and turn it sideways (if using flipchart paper you don't need to turn it sideways - it is large enough);
2. Using colored felt pens, draw a small picture (or write a phrase) in the centre of the paper representing the issue you want to solve;
3. Draw lines out from the main problem (it helps to use different colors for each line).
4. Each line should represent a different aspect of your problem or issue;
5. Write down what each line represents either on top of or on the line;
6. Add other lines flowing off these main lines;
7. Write a word or short phrase on the smaller lines indicating what each new line represents (you may find that mind mapping works best for you if you write down the phrases or draw the images first and then connect them with the lines); and
8. If you want, add images next to your main line that illustrate what each line means to you (some people think better with pictures, others with words).

Steps taken from

There are basically two types of mind mapping. Viz;

This is a stereotype mind mapping whereby every formulated words or ideas are directly connected or linked to the source which is the keyword at the center.

Here is an example of logical mind mapping and it is a television mind map.

This form of mind mapping is different from the logical mind mapping in the sense that it involves thinking out of the circle of the keyword which is at the center i.e linking two different words or idea together e.g

1. Relating the word mortar & pestle to scared outside the stereotype use or function of mortar & pestle known by everyone.
- These objects (mortar & pestle) back in 1840 signify caution for prohibition. The mortar is used for danger that has greater harm i.e any object or area where it is been found shows that the area is dangerous where as the pestle signify less harm therefore any area it was found was considered dangerous but the impact is less. Therefore, people were always scared of the areas where these objects are found.

2. Power: Twenty years ago, these objects signify royalty. The mortar was used as a crown for the king and the pestle was the king's staff. Therefore they were only found in the kings house showing power.

3. Religion: In the year 1920, the mortar was deity for the people as a female god in which all the females worship while the pestle was worshiped by the males as their god.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


The etymology of the word Novelty is Novem which is a Latin word meaning new. Novelty on its own is the quality of being new. But in creativity is the process of generating new idea that is beneficiary to individual, friends and at most the community but has no effect globally. E.g, an idea that affects certain group of person but does not affect everybody in the world.

This image is a creative hair cut that is so unique but it has no global effect, but it exist base on individual(the owner or those around her) perception.

The term innovation from my perception is the addition of new things or ideas to an existing one making it new in a different way. From the web, it's the act of introducing new ideas. A creative idea can not be called innovation when it is not centered on commercialization. Therefore, innovation is the addition of new ideas to an existing one for a commercial purpose.

This is an example of innovation. The innovative idea of adding extra design of neck tie on the body of a shirt to give it a new look for a commercial purpose.

Innovation has classes which i termed as 4P'S innovation.
The first P is called the product innovation where a little changes is been made on a product to give it another look.

This image of N96 is a product of Nokia phone.

This is N97, same nokia product. Here some improvement has been made on the N96 giving it a different look like adding the QWERTY keyboad. This additional look turn the product into a different model.

The second P is what i called the process innovation where improvement on the process is made to achieve new things.

The third P is positioning innovation where the main function of a product is being changed or reposition into something different from what it used to be.

The fourth P is paradigm innovation where the idea of producing something in a simpler form to replace the existing one. This newly produced product serves thesame function as the old.

This is an example of paradigm innovation, a mainframe that was used in the past centuries was replaced by home computer.

This is a home computer that replaced mainframe in todays century. The both serve thesame purpose but it was replaced due to the cost and the size.

The term invention from my point is the act of bringing into existence what that has never been from nothing and as well as from the existing ideas or thoughts of others.
Example of an inventor that used others idea to create new idea is Alexander Graham Bell when he invented telephone.

This image of telephone is an invention by Graham Bell derived from existing ideas and thought of others.


There is a distinct between the word creativity and the word creative. Creativity from my own point of view is producing, releasing or generating a new idea from something that is irrelevant with the aid of the brain i.e giving meaning to something that has no meaning. It is also devising a new or better way of performing a task and as well as working on problems and devising solutions that has never been into existence with the use of the mind and the brain. Whereas, creative is the ability of being able to do something. It is often associated with with person in this particular topic. eg creative person; Who is a person that engages in the process of generating new ideas (creativity).

This image is a creative idea which depicts "giving meaning to something that has no meaning". It's a creative idea that turns human into a deodorant bottle or can.


There are stages for creativity and these stages is what i called process of creativity. They are summed into SO IT (Simplify problem, Open mind and apply creative techniques, Identify best solution, Transform). These processes can be further explained as;
SIMPLIFY PROBLEM; this is the first stage of creativity where you simplify the problems by breaking them into parts for a better understanding.
OPEN MIND AND APPLY CREATIVE TECHNIQUES; at this stage you will begin to think of any idea that will give solution to the problem that was defined.
IDENTIFY BEST SOLUTION; here the ideas that are best should be selected to solve the right problem discovered.
TRANSFORM; here after identifying the problems and the solutions to the problems, you will implement the best solution which will transform the problem into something solved.

1. Brainstorming yourself will help generate new ideas and as well help you to know which is the best.
2. Taking along a jotter and a pen or pencil for jotting down information or ideas when you are struck with them. Rereading them will bring them back to memory.
3. Defining your problem by writing them down into details.
4. If you are stuck with ideas and can not think any more, just take a walk because it helps to shake up the brain cells.
5. Avoid taking drugs because you can't be creative while on it.
6. Creativity is enhanced by reading as much as you can because it helps your brain.

There are some misconceptions of creativity by humans and they are;
1. No need for notebook, i can always remember my ideas.
2. Drugs help to improve my creative skills.
3. If it is not broken, do not fix it.
4. That is a good idea, let us run with it.
5. Creativity is just a soft and light stuff.
6. It is a hard work.
7. Homosexuals are creative.
8. Creativity is by intuition.

There are some benefits when one engage in the process called creativity. They are;
1. It increases the confidence one has in his/her self. When looking at your creative ideas being implemented, it gives an inner courage to believe that you can do something and this attracts respect from people.