Thursday, November 5, 2009


The etymology of the word Novelty is Novem which is a Latin word meaning new. Novelty on its own is the quality of being new. But in creativity is the process of generating new idea that is beneficiary to individual, friends and at most the community but has no effect globally. E.g, an idea that affects certain group of person but does not affect everybody in the world.

This image is a creative hair cut that is so unique but it has no global effect, but it exist base on individual(the owner or those around her) perception.

The term innovation from my perception is the addition of new things or ideas to an existing one making it new in a different way. From the web, it's the act of introducing new ideas. A creative idea can not be called innovation when it is not centered on commercialization. Therefore, innovation is the addition of new ideas to an existing one for a commercial purpose.

This is an example of innovation. The innovative idea of adding extra design of neck tie on the body of a shirt to give it a new look for a commercial purpose.

Innovation has classes which i termed as 4P'S innovation.
The first P is called the product innovation where a little changes is been made on a product to give it another look.

This image of N96 is a product of Nokia phone.

This is N97, same nokia product. Here some improvement has been made on the N96 giving it a different look like adding the QWERTY keyboad. This additional look turn the product into a different model.

The second P is what i called the process innovation where improvement on the process is made to achieve new things.

The third P is positioning innovation where the main function of a product is being changed or reposition into something different from what it used to be.

The fourth P is paradigm innovation where the idea of producing something in a simpler form to replace the existing one. This newly produced product serves thesame function as the old.

This is an example of paradigm innovation, a mainframe that was used in the past centuries was replaced by home computer.

This is a home computer that replaced mainframe in todays century. The both serve thesame purpose but it was replaced due to the cost and the size.

The term invention from my point is the act of bringing into existence what that has never been from nothing and as well as from the existing ideas or thoughts of others.
Example of an inventor that used others idea to create new idea is Alexander Graham Bell when he invented telephone.

This image of telephone is an invention by Graham Bell derived from existing ideas and thought of others.

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